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HIVE Launch


After a year of hard work, we are incredibly excited to announce the official launch of on June 9th, 2021. In our mission to transform the delivery of healthcare and become a world-class technology organization, it is important to expand the connection between us and all of you, our partners.

We just made these conversations easier with, a place to provide you with the most accurate, up-to-date information on PEO DHMS and our partners. This website represents a step towards providing our partners with an easier way to learn about our opportunities, thought leadership, and future goals in one location.

The HIVE Community was first established last year, access it at, and since its unofficial launch, we have seen unprecedented growth. Our community has allowed our participants to connect with like-minded and like-interested partners, helped facilitate opportunities, and offered a space to share opinions. The HIVE Community welcomes both traditional and unique partners to share their opinions and shape the future of PEO DHMS and our partners. From consulting firms to startups, the community boasts a diverse set of companies with expertise in areas from Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning to Health IT.

Engage with our groups

While the HIVE groups will change over time with new partners, opportunities, and events, see a glimpse of how you can be involved in the most popular ones below:

Find your next opportunity partner in Teaming & Partnering. Speak directly with JOMIS and hear about their news and opportunities. Participate from the beginning with DevMAC and help shape the procurement. See community questions and thoughts about the Workforce 3.0 acquisition. Learn about Workplace 3.0 requirements and ask questions. Learn more about the full HIVE platform below.

How do I use

Simply access the site and begin browsing. We will be constantly updating our content with helpful information, PEO DHMS announcements, events, and engagement opportunities. You will be able to contact us directly through the site through submission forms.

What does this mean for the current HIVE Community?

It’s staying! We plan to continue to integrate this HIVE Community with the site to provide all of you the ability to continue to interact with us in a less formal way. Similar to WF3, WP3, DevMac, and XaaS, opportunities will each have their own group for discussion and teaming. Announcements such as news and blogs will each have a space within the HIVE Community to comment, ask questions, and interact.

Why should I use

This site will represent a shift in the paradigm in how Government typically works with its partner organizations. We want all of you to use this platform to be heard, learn more, and get involved.